Berrylwood Bombers
League: American League
Division: N/A
Team Initials: BER
Micro Manager: Big Poppa
Owner Name: Mike Eliyas
All Time Record: 1959 - Current, 327-473, .409 (Playoffs: 0-0, .000)
Trophy Case: 
5+ Years In League

Trade History
Trans Num Trade Date Details
1962.7    2023-01-17    Santa Cruz Cormorants trade Dick Tracewski, Leo Burke, and SCC 1963 #1 to the Berrylwood Bombers for Lou Clinton, Rocky Colavito, and BER 1963 #4.   
1960.4    2021-06-21    Manitoulin Islanders trade Cal Neeman to the Berrylwood Bombers for Billy Martin.   
