Manitoulin Islanders
League: National League
Division: N/A
Team Initials: MAN
Micro Manager: Grady Michaels
Owner Name: Roger Clarke
All Time Record: 1959 - Current, 345-455, .431 (Playoffs: 0-0, .000)
Trophy Case: 
5+ Years In League

Trade History
Trans Num Trade Date Details
1962.4    2022-12-03    Manitoulin Islanders trade Chuck Hiller to the Gilead Gunslingers for Jim Mahoney and GIL 1963 #5.   
1961.5    2021-11-13    Manitoulin Islanders trade Bubba Phillips to the Cooperstown Giants for COO 1962 #3.   
1960.4    2021-06-21    Manitoulin Islanders trade Cal Neeman to the Berrylwood Bombers for Billy Martin.   
